6 Weeks to an Organized Life

  • Day 1: Have A Schedule

This is Day 1 of 6 weeks to an organized life and I am excited to be diving in with you. I’m often asked how I stay organized and one top of everything. The honest truth is, I also live in chaos like all other parents, but I have found unique ways that keep my priorities at the center and thriving.

I know what you’re thinking; with the way my day runs, I could never accomplish my goals, have you met my children? The thought of getting organized can feel overwhelming and unmanageable, but that’s why I’m here. Each week I’m giving you one step to work on and accomplish over the week, one small step in the right direction to a better you.

When I’m organized I’m happy

A you less frazzled and overwhelmed you, a you able to spend intentional present time with your friends and family, a you happy and living life to the fullest. At the end of the day, all I want for you is the latter, happy and living life to the fullest. I believe these next 6 weeks can change the course of your life and how you live, just hang on for the ride. I won’t lie to you, there will be some work along the way, but the work is worth the success in the end, worth having a life that you love and enjoy. Let’s dive in.

We’re starting our 6 week journey with a schedule. A schedule or planner as some say. A schedule is the place you keep all the dates, appointments, school meetings, work schedules, etc. Your schedule can be an electronic version like google calendar or a paper planner, both work, the key is to only have one place. If you choose electronic then you stick to electronic for all schedules or stick to paper, we simply want one place to write everything down.

Write everything down

The second tip to a schedule is writing everything down. We talked about appointments and work schedules, but everything you have planned has to go in the calendar. If I’m at work and not near my planner, I write it on a sticky note on my lunch box to make sure the date is added to my schedule as soon as I get home. By everything I mean play dates, appointments, meetings at work, kids activities, lunch dates, date night, sleep overs, etc. Anything that one of the five of us has to show up to gets written on the schedule.

This includes anything I want to implement this month. Maybe you want more date nights, then plan a night, game night, write it on there. Don’t wait for spontaneity, it will never happen. Pick a day and write the time on the schedule. Check out these 5 killer scheduling habits to sneak ahead of the class.

Why do I write everything down? Even the super simple? Here’s why, the less that’s clouding up your brain, the more room your brain has to relax, think and achieve more. When we keep all of these minor tasks inside our head instead of out on paper or own our phone, we are losing space for valuable connections with our family or friends. Instead of spending time worrying about all we’ve left on our brain. Make sense?

Paper 📝 or electronic, pick the organization tool best for you

OK! I know starting a schedule can feel like another task you have to accomplish and do throughout the day, but I promise this one will help you feel focused and relieved with less on your brain. Check out my post on organization 101 for a sneak peek of whats to come. Your homework for the week is to get a planner and start writing all the things down. Let me know how it goes.

Questions or comments? we love to hear from you below !! See you next week!

2 thoughts on “6 Weeks to an Organized Life

    1. Awesome ! I’m happy to hear it gave you a good starting point. I can’t wait to see what the weeks ahead bring for you!

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