The Life and Times of A Boy Mom

Boy moms: I see the crazy, I see the wrestling and most of all I see you, I get you and I sympathize with the chaos inside your home.

Boys are just better, that’s what the saying reads across my littlest bib. Currently he’s splattering yogurt across the floor and laughing at the chaos his scene is causing. Laughter, that’s one thing we learned to have a lot of around here, with out the joy we wouldn’t survive.

Me and my boys 🙂

Let’s talk about young boys for a moment. They pack a lot of energy. Moving, going, doing constantly. The warm embrace and couch snuggling were gone the moment their little feet walked across the floor.

I’m not sure if its the thought of an adventure or just the nature of little boys, but why are they jumping off every surface they find. Careening to their death like it’s a big jamboree party. Then as soon as the tears are wiped away they are off the do it again.

Always playing a superhero

The chaos is enough to make anyone crazy, never mind multiplying the number of boys you have. As soon as one jumps off the ledge the other is right behind him ready to take the leap. Chaos, complete chaos. That’s the life of a boy mom wrapped into one word. The only way to come out the other end alive is to embrace every moment of it.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know raising a girl is no easy feat either, actually I don’t know because I only have boys, but I imagine its incredibly hard like all of parenting. BUT today were here to revel in all the chaos that is boys.

There’s a lot of things I enjoyed before filling my house full of tiny men, a dry toilet seat, the bathroom not smelling like pee and floors that didn’t make that stick sound when you walked across them. For my first years as I mom I tried relentlessly to keep everything clean. The more kids I added to the list the more I realized how impossible that thought was.

Chaos like constantly jumping out of the shopping cart

Now, I go with the flow, some days I still lose it (like when I sit on a wet toilet seat), but letting my expectations go helped me to see the fun in the chaos. To see that I’m just an imperfect person trying to raise little imperfect people and craziness will definitely be a part of life.

I let go of the worry of what others thought and stuck with doing the best I can. If you come by for lunch and the floor is sticky, I’m sorry, but it’s the best I can do this week. Let go of always trying to have the dishes washed and hands clean. There’s so much dirt, they literally bring in handfuls inside with them. You’ll find rocks everywhere, especially in the drier and tiny smudges of chocolate hands rubbed against the wall. This is the life of a boy mom and I love every second of it.

Soon enough this season will be over, gone and they’ll no longer be running through the halls covered in chocolate or digging piles of dirt outside. I’ll no longer find rocks in the drier or piles of laundry across the floor. When those days are here, I know I won’t remember how tired I was or how much sleep I missed. I’ll miss those little smudges and dirt ridden fingers. I’ll miss the snotty kisses and the wonder of the world.

Getting outside with boys is always a good idea

Whether you were blessed with a boy or a girl, just remember, life is short. Your time with them is short, just embrace the chaos, even when it’s loud and overbearing because soon it will be gone. I started saying no to a lot more and yes to my boys. See more about saying no here. Once I let some of my expectations go, Once I let my care go for what others thought of myself or my house. I gained a lot more fun with my boys.

How do you survive the life and times of being a boy mom? Let Me know in the comments!! I need your help!