Living Intentional

When most people see us (My husband, myself and my three boys) the phrase we most often here is “You guys must be busy.” Yes, we are. Busy to us is just a part of life of having three young boys and we always live in the space between. We are intentional.

What does the space in between mean?

We are intentional with our time. We plan our day to the best we can, believe me, there are plenty of days the plan blows up.A Busy Moms Guide to Fitness However, we have goals and tasks we need to accomplish each day. The days I am off we get the most done. with two parents at home together, we can trade off entertaining the kids and checking things off the To Do list.

Sometimes in between us at the beach

If I were to list out all the items that need attention or that I am responsible for and intentional about the list would be overwhelming.

  • Nurse
  • Mom
  • Household tasks
  • Student
  • Homeschooling
  • Believer
  • Fitness

Now all of these roles have responsibilities attached to them. If I want to be a successful student, I need to turn in my course work. If I wan to be a good nurse and provide for my family I have to show up to work, read my bible, exercise. When we start listing out all the tasks associated with each role, this is when life becomes overwhelming or busy. instead lets intentionally focus our time.

While everyone’s playing

Here’s How:

List Out Daily Intentional Activities

What needs to be done every single day? I know if I want to be the best person for my family, as a believer, reading my bible has to be a daily task. If I want my body fit to chase after my kids, I need exercise. Make these items daily to dos and carve out the best time during the day you will be able to accomplish them.

For me, know if I don’t wake up before my kids, even on my days off, I cannot fit my basic needs (bible and exercise) into the morning without a fight. I chose to get up early to accomplish these tasks and feel ready to embrace the day.

And I’m catching up on reading

Weekly Intentional Activities

What needs to be a weekly or less than daily to do. I know I have school work due each week, household chores to accomplish and work. After my daily activities are settled into the calendar, I next pick days to accomplish other weekly tasks. I fill out the days I am working, then find a good day to catch up on laundry, school wok, etc.

I try my hardest not to pick the same day for everything. This will lead to fatigue and seem unmanageable. If we have just a few tasks per day, it is easier to find the time to fit them in and feel less overwhelmed.

And swimming of course

Finding Rhythm

Getting started tasks time and getting into a rhythm, but once you start you will fell more accomplished with your day and rock an intentional life to the fullest.

How do you fit in all the hats you were from day to day? Let me know in the comments below!