Break up With Water

Water, there are crazy amounts of adds and wellness bloggers encouraging you to drink more water. But why? Why is staying hydrated a key element in being successful and productive throughout your day?

A few fun facts for you. The average human body is 75% water. That means without water, we are not sustainable for life. Without water we feel fatigued, we gain weight, we prematurely age! If this isn’t a reason to drink more water then what is.

The serious fact is that dehydration can cause problems with your heart, lungs, kidneys, weight gain and digestion. Without enough water, our bodies cannot function the way they were made and we cannot be our best selves. Check out our video on balancing your health for more.

Let’s talk about how much water your body needs. Most experts say you should be consuming half your body weight in ounces of water. If you weigh 130lbs, 65 ounces of water should be going into your body throughout the day. Seems like a lot of water, but it’s only a little over 8 glasses of water daily.

Did you know when you feel thirsty your already dehydrated? Crazy, isn’t it! Let’s get drinking and make our bodies function in the best way possible !

My favorite way to drink water involves adding a little flavor to my glass. Plain water can get boring and mundane, why not spice it up. I like to add a few drops of peppermint oil to boost my energy or grapefruit, lemon or orange for a citrus kick. A few drops of essential oils can boost up that water and give you the awesome benefits at the same time! Want to know more about essential oils? Check it out here.

Whose with me? Comment below

xo Liz